The New Year and birthdays are the two times of year we stop and take a look at where we are, and reflect on how we have moved forward in the past year (or not). We also look at where we would like to be in the future. Many of us set resolutions on how we would like to change. If we look closely at those resolutions there is usually a broader feeling or state of being behind the resolution. For example, we may have a goal to lose 10 pounds and get to the gym 3 times a week. But the real goal may be to be healthier or feel more confident. So this year, instead of choosing a resolution, I am going to look at the big picture. What area of my life am I neglecting or what part of who I am do I want to work on? For me, this year it is going to be to take better care of myself and my health. As a wife, mother, daughter of aging parents and manager of a business, I tend to put my own needs last. This year I am going to add as part of my daily routine a morning question: what do I need to do today to stay healthy and well cared for? I am going to try and keep that question in my mind when I make my daily choices. The “resolutions” may change daily, but I hope by the end of the year I will be in a better habit of choosing what is best for my mental and physical help. Wish me luck! Perhaps consider tweaking how you look at your path for the New Year.
Our new ads this year focus on some of those big picture goals. Our clients have shared how they have achieved a feeling of beauty, confidence or a more active lifestyle. We will be continuing to share these stories throughout the year. The JCMG Laser and Vein Center is only a small part of their journey to self-improvement, but we are thankful for the opportunity to help people achieve their goals. We love that we’ve been a small part of helping them love their “big picture”.
Happy New Year!