Changing seasons, beautiful fall colors and the beginning of the dreaded winter dry skin. Our October ended with a quick trip to Denver, one of my favorite places, but definitely the land of dry skin. Family, friends, a Broncos game and lots of sunshine made for a great trip.
To ensure this dryness does not get the best of me, I have amped up my moisture routine by adding my Hydrating Complex. Used prior to my moisturizer, it draws water from the air and steps up the skin’s ability to make hyaluranic acid, giving it a plumped, hydrated, youthful appearance. I also use Colorescience’s Illuminating Serum in the morning, prior to makeup. It is filled with specialty ingredients like Pearl Powder, evening out time and giving instant luminosity. Both of these products are a big help in making sure you are able to tolerate your very important Retinol throughout the cold months.
I can’t believe that we are on the last month of Brenda’s Year of Beauty. October was time for Triniti maintenance with Sublative resurfacing. Keeping up with maintenance treatments ensures that Brenda’s brown spots will stay away and that she is constantly producing new collagen, for less lines and tighter skin. We have a few treatments planned for November… hoping to have a “grand finale.” Brenda has become like part of the family and I have truly enjoyed helping her through this journey. Stay tuned for her final month and her “after” photos.