This June aging is more on my mind than normal. My birthday is in June and this June will mark my 59th year around the sun. For some it is the 5 and 10 years that get them, but for me it is the nines. Forty-nine was way harder than 50. Forty-nine was about endings, 50 beginnings, or at least that is how it seemed to me. This year as I turn 59 I am feeling a bit the same.
I have really enjoyed the 50s. Yes, there are some downsides to getting older. My knees are no longer my friend. I got tired of covering my roots and have embraced my grey hair for both the good and bad of that. I have experienced many other small changes that I’ve just learned to live with and adapt to.
There are also many positives: grandkids and the fun that brings, cutting back at work and letting the next generation take the lead, new amounts of free time, more time to spend with my husband now that the kids aren’t taking up as much time (most of the time that is a positive!), and the confidence and clarity that only experience can bring.
So, what Genesis message do I have from all that? I guess my best Genesis advice is find your 49, or 59 or whatever age it is. There are so many options in our world as to how that looks. Figure out yours and that doesn’t have to look like anyone else. There are so many esthetic, health and wellness opportunities. So many ways to grow and learn in our world. Explore and define your aging plan. Let’s face it, there is no anti-aging. My grandma always said she was going to celebrate every birthday because she wasn’t ready for the alternative.
We will all age if we are lucky. Embrace it and enjoy the stage you’re in. I and all of our staff thank you for letting us be part of your journey. The relationships we make with you and each other are the best part of what we do. Happy June!