There are two very good reasons to start your vein treatment early in the year and they are probably not reasons you may think of.
Hit Your Deductible Early
nSo often people will be scrambling in October to get their legs treated because they have already met their deductible. Unfortunately, by the time they come in for a consult, get approval and get on the busy end-of-year schedule they are almost always looking at getting one or two treatments in and having the rest trailing over to the next year. Why not take the opposite approach and get in early and get those treatments going now? Most clients will meet their deductible at some point in their initial vein treatment process and by getting started early you have the best chance of getting all, or at least the vast majority of your initial treatment done in the calendar year. Of course there is always maintenance care for chronic vein disease, but this is often minimal compared to the initial treatment. This also allows you the full year to get other things on your wellness/health care wish list done and a whole year to do it!
Hose Can be Hot
nMany insurance companies require you to complete a hose trial prior to treatment, which can last between 6 weeks and 3 months. If vein disease is your problem the hose will give you some symptom relief. Why not do this when you also get the benefit of the warmth they provide? Hose can be hot in the summer, so get this extended hose requirement over now. Also, you will have to wear them after treatments, so getting your treatments done during cooler weather is a plus!
P.S. We always recommend Sigvaris compression hose for their exceptional breathability, which helps if you must wear them in the summer.
So, resolve to make 2022 the year you treat yourself to legs that feel good again! Call our office for information on setting up a consult with Dr. Prasad, our vein specialist, or a free vein screening with our nursing staff for more information on getting your legs treated this year.