The new year is that annual place marker that gives a stopping point to evaluate our past and starting point for setting goals for the future. Some years I take good advantage of this. Other years, I have just kind of let one year slide into the next, without too much thought. This year is a year I am paying attention on many levels. I thought I would take a moment to share just a few of those.
First, January 1st put in place a huge change in my role at Genesis. I have officially passed over the day-to-day management of our offices to our management team. That does not mean I won’t be around, just that I will be around in a different capacity. I will continue to be in the office on Wednesdays and Thursdays working with our management team to make sure we are delivering to you the best services, products and customer experience, and providing a positive workplace culture for our staff. I just will now have a whole team helping deliver those results for you. This will allow me to get back to some of the things I have not had time to do, parts of my job I loved. One of those tasks was my monthly blog for the newsletter. So, I hope those of you that enjoyed that will be happy to hear I am back at the keyboards, and it is an easy skip if all you want is to see the promos. I know I will enjoy getting a chance to reach out to our clients again in this monthly newsletter.
I am also paying extra attention this year because of how hard the last few years have been. Last year I felt like I was in survival mode and frankly I did not have the energy to be too reflective. I had hoped all was going to change back to normal in 2021, but I now believe, and should have known, that you never really go back. From a business perspective, supply issues have changed, staffing and personnel issues have changed, and trends you used to be able to count on have gone out the window.
My word for the year, at work, was resiliency. I think it is a quality we all need to have in growing supply to keep up with the world we live in. Both personally and professionally, these changes have made me take a sharp look at where I/we place our time, talent, and treasure. I know from talking to friends, family, and other business owners that I am not alone in that. Thus, my role change and many of the changes we have made at Genesis.
So, as we enter 2022 I hope that you feel like me, more hopeful, better equipped for challenges, and confident in your resiliency to tackle whatever 2022 brings you. And if Genesis is a place you choose to share your time and treasure, know that we will work hard to make sure it is time and treasure wisely spent. We appreciate your continued trust in us and will work hard to earn it!
Happy New Year!