I cannot say enough about how much BioTE
has changed my life. I know it sounds cliché, but it is true. I am pretty sure even my son would offer to pay for the treatment if I said I was going to stop. It will be a part of my life for as long as I can receive treatment.
How has it changed my life? Well, the first symptom that was relieved was my lack of sleep. I probably hadn’t had a full night of sleep in over 10 years. I would wake up any time between 1:00 and 3:00 and often would be up for the rest of the night. After having the pellets for only two weeks, I slept a full night of sleep. This continues to be the norm, and when I do start to have trouble sleeping, it is my indication that it is time for another pellet.
The benefits of getting a full night’s sleep are many. I have way more energy, no foggy brain, much more motivation to exercise, and am way less crabby. I often joke that if everyone was pelleted the world would be a better place. For me this was the main benefit and what keeps me coming back. I have had other added bonuses, such as no more watery eyes due to improved lubrication, I lost a pant size due to better muscle building, and my husband looks way more attractive to me than he did last year! Those are all great, but the sleep is my why.
Recently, life issues had me postpone my pellet insertion a few weeks too long and I started to feel like my old normal. I honestly don’t know how I put up with it and would never put up with it again.
The best part about the whole process is that BioTE is all natural and gives the added benefit of improvements in heart disease, osteoporosis and memory loss, all risk factors that run in my family. Call to schedule your consultation and find out if pellet therapy is right for you! Dr. Ferris, board-certified gynecologist and hormone replacement expert, will be happy to educate you on this treatment.