I don’t know about you, but I am so excited by the change in weather. With every passing year surviving the winter months seems to get a little harder. I hate being cold, but mostly I have trouble with the lack of sunshine. The days are so short and this winter seemed exceptionally grey. It makes me want to hibernate like a bear. But the good news is every spring the days start to get longer, the sun shows up more often, and it’s time to get back outside again. It is something you can count on every year.
For those who have followed our newsletters you know you can also count on my annual sunscreen lecture every May! So here it goes. I have done this now for seven years so I am pulling out my mom skills and trying to figure out a new way to give the same lecture! I really struggled this year on what to say. I was given an article a few weeks ago on the tragic loss of a young girl to skin cancer. I hate for this blurb to be a downer or to go for the scare tactic, but after much thought I decided this IS the message I want to get out this year.
Yes, too much sun causes premature aging, brown spots, etc., but the main reason you need to be diligent about your sunscreen application is because of the risk of skin cancer. So here are the facts from skincancer.org :
These are the stats and stats don’t lie. But sometimes the facts hit home better when there is a face to them. So read the article that is the inspiration behind my lecture this year. Then share it with your loved ones who don’t think tanning is a big deal.
Finally, ask yourself: is that tan really worth it? Enjoy the sun this summer, but enjoy it responsibly. Stock up on your sunscreen! Choose the right sunscreens and apply them everywhere your skin is exposed, EVERY DAY. And give the gift of good sunscreen habits to your kids, too. I remember a time when cars didn’t have seat belts in the back seat. I’m sure none of us would even consider not buckling our kids up today. Someday I predict we will be that diligent about sunscreen on kids, too. Let’s be ahead of the curve. We can help you with choosing the proper sunscreens, but if you don’t see us please see someone! And remember it only works if you use it, so choose one you love and apply, apply and reapply!