I’m a big believer that you should practice what you preach, so when my clients ask if I would do Botox and fillers, my response is…absolutely and I already do! I started getting Botox injections many years ago and continue today to soften unwanted wrinkles on my forehead, brows, and crow’s feet. Last year I decided it was time for some filler. I wanted to fill in the cheek area where I was noticing some volume loss. I loved the result and will definitely continue with this treatment as necessary. Most fillers today last 12-16 months or even up to two years. My approach is a conservative one and I want the result to resemble a rested, refreshed and natural look. Injectables are an essential tool in my fight to preserve a youthful appearance.
Last week I was fortunate enough to spend a week in the laid-back environment of San Diego, California. It has become one of my favorite places! I enjoyed a lot of downtime – beach, spa, rest and reflection. It was wonderful! This week I am back to work and feeling fabulous. I feel rested and look rejuvenated. My own personal Spring Renewal. Hmmmm…was it all the rest or is it Botox Cosmetic? BOTH!