Welcome to our Community Involvement Blog. If you are receiving our newsletter you already know about our charitable campaign. For those of you that don’t let me bring you up to date. Every month we are donating a percentage of our profits to a local organization that contributes to the good of our community. Our staff each had the opportunity to choose an organization and we had client input on the rest. We also ask these organizations to nominate a volunteer for a complimentary pampering treatment to reward them for their service.
So why blog on this? Well I have two reasons. One is for accountability. You always here companies say they donate such and such to so and so and I often wonder what they donate and how they use it. I wanted our clients to know that we are staying true to our word and what the folks we are donating to are using the money for. So watch for our updates on the money going out.
The second reason is to help give these community organizations additional exposure. If you have ever worked with one of these volunteer organizations you know how much time and effort goes into fund raising and promotions. Sometimes it feels like it doesn’t leave time to do what you are really there to do. So this is our way of giving a shout out about the people that make Jefferson City such a great place to live. If you would like to send me info on something you are doing to help out or other events and needs in our community I will try to help spread the word.
So check back often and keep me posted on what is happening in town. And don’t forget this month a portion of your purchases will go to help The Community Breast Care Project. Join us for their Ladies Night Out March 18th. Tickets are available at our reception desk.